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17 posts tagged with "devops"

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Radicle and Discord support

· 2 min read
Michal Nowikowski
Kraken Founder. I’m software engineer focused on full-stack programming and improving software processes.

The main feature introduced by Kraken version 1.7 is integration with Radicle, a peer-to-peer code collaboration stack. The second one is notifications to Discord channels.

To see the release details, please check the the release notes.

More details about Radicle integration and Discord notifications are provided below (Read More).

Integration with Radicle

· 10 min read
Michal Nowikowski
Kraken Founder. I’m software engineer focused on full-stack programming and improving software processes.

The main feature introduced by Kraken version 1.7 is integration with Radicle, a peer-to-peer code collaboration stack.

Radilce leverages Git’s architecture combined with cryptography and a gossip protocol to enable a fully sovereign developer network. Unlike centralized platforms like GitHub, there is no single entity controlling the network or user data. Repositories are replicated across peers in a decentralized manner. More details about Radicle can be found it its Guides.

To arrange a CI process for Radicle there must be appointed Radicle server that will be used by Kraken CI server so:

  • Kraken CI server can listen for webhooks coming from that Radicle server
  • Kraken CI can provide links that lead to repositiories, commit changes, etc from Kraken CI web UI.

The configuration on Kraken CI side is described in Webhooks guide.

Windows Support in AWS

· 2 min read
Michal Nowikowski
Kraken Founder. I’m software engineer focused on full-stack programming and improving software processes.

Kraken version 1.6 introduces support for Windows in deploying a virtual machine with the Kraken Agent on AWS EC2. This means that it is now possible to execute jobs on Windows systems in the AWS EC2 environment.

The 1.6 release brings several more changes and fixes. To see the details, please check the the release notes. Some of the changes included are:

  • added link to docs page in the top bar
  • added checking agents group correctness provided in schema
  • several fixes

More details about the support for Windows in AWS EC2 are provided below (Read More).

Windows Support in Kraken Agent

· 2 min read
Michal Nowikowski
Kraken Founder. I’m software engineer focused on full-stack programming and improving software processes.

Kraken version 1.5 introduces support for Windows in the Kraken Agent. This means that it is now possible to execute jobs on Windows systems using Kraken CI.

The 1.5 release brings several more changes and fixes. To see the details, please check the the release notes. Some of the changes included are:

  • fixed detecting Kraken Agent environment when it is run inside Docker that is using CGroup v2 - this solves #303
  • fixed triggering a flow by GitHub webhook when another flow is in progress - this solves #296
  • fixed handling multiline secrets
  • improved handling agent inactivity - now it is not needed to reenable agent when it was disabled due to inactivity

More details about the support for Windows are provided below.

Environment Variables

· One min read
Michal Nowikowski
Kraken Founder. I’m software engineer focused on full-stack programming and improving software processes.

The Kraken version 1.4 introduces environment variables. This feature allows for defining variables and their values associated with a branch. These variables can then be used in a workflow schema using schema context and also in shell commands as regular environment variables.

1.4 release brings several more features - check the release notes.

More details about environment variables can be found in the documentation, specifically in the Environment Variables section.

Conditional Steps

· 2 min read
Michal Nowikowski
Kraken Founder. I’m software engineer focused on full-stack programming and improving software processes.

The Kraken version 1.3 introduces the conditional steps. This feature enables skipping a step under certain conditions. This condition can be based on any data available in the system including the latest data from previous steps.

1.3 release brings several more features - check the release notes.

More details about the conditional steps are below.

Data and Dynamism in Schema

· 2 min read
Michal Nowikowski
Kraken Founder. I’m software engineer focused on full-stack programming and improving software processes.

The Kraken version 1.1 introduces even more improvements in logging.

The major changes are:

  • added storing user data server-side
  • data of internal objects and user data are now exposed in a schema code
  • added support for several new operating systems

1.1 release brings several more features - check the release notes.

More details about the major features are below.

Further Logging Improvements

· 2 min read
Michal Nowikowski
Kraken Founder. I’m software engineer focused on full-stack programming and improving software processes.

The Kraken version 1.0 introduces even more improvements in logging.

The major changes are:

  • added global and per-branch logs retention policy
  • added presenting logs of server-side activities related to a branch, a flow, a run and a job

1.0 release brings several more features - check the release notes.

More details about the major features are below.

Standing out Logs Handling

· 3 min read
Michal Nowikowski
Kraken Founder. I’m software engineer focused on full-stack programming and improving software processes.

The Kraken version 0.1126 introduces much improved logs handling and presentation.

The standing-out features connected with logs are:

  • single-line and multi-line secrets masking
  • coloring ANSI codes
  • no issue with handling huge logs containing even more than 10.000 lines
  • switching timestamps on/off
  • auto scroll when at the bottom
  • paging logs

And the new features introduced by this Kraken version:

  • job logs are split by steps sections in UI
  • steps status and metadata presented at the top of each step logs section
  • download a step log

More details are below.

Support for CCTray

· One min read
Michal Nowikowski
Kraken Founder. I’m software engineer focused on full-stack programming and improving software processes.

CCTray is a protocol that allows users to fetch the current state of a branch using dedicated clientes.

Kraken CI exposes a URL for a given branch that can be put to such a client. This URL is available on a branch management page, in the Status Badge & CCTray tab:

These feature landed in 0.1097 version and is documented in notifications docs docs.