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Windows Support in AWS

· 2 min read
Michal Nowikowski
Kraken Founder. I’m software engineer focused on full-stack programming and improving software processes.

Kraken version 1.6 introduces support for Windows in deploying a virtual machine with the Kraken Agent on AWS EC2. This means that it is now possible to execute jobs on Windows systems in the AWS EC2 environment.

The 1.6 release brings several more changes and fixes. To see the details, please check the the release notes. Some of the changes included are:

  • added link to docs page in the top bar
  • added checking agents group correctness provided in schema
  • several fixes

More details about the support for Windows in AWS EC2 are provided below (Read More).

There are a few requirements for an AWS AMI Windows image to make it work with Kraken CI. It should have preinstalled Python and Git. The generated image should also have the ability to run a user data script on the first boot. This script is used to install the Kraken Agent and your own init script (which can be passed via Kraken).

Here, you can find an example script for Ansible that prepares an AWS AMI image for Windows with all the dependencies included:

The full guide about setting up Kraken execution agents in AWS EC2 can be found in Autoscale in Cloud docs.

That's all. To get started, simply install or upgrade to the 1.6 version and experience all the benefits firsthand. If you have any questions or need assistance, submit an issue on GitHub or ask for help on Discord.