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Radicle and Discord support

· 2 min read
Michal Nowikowski
Kraken Founder. I’m software engineer focused on full-stack programming and improving software processes.

The main feature introduced by Kraken version 1.7 is integration with Radicle, a peer-to-peer code collaboration stack. The second one is notifications to Discord channels.

To see the release details, please check the the release notes.

More details about Radicle integration and Discord notifications are provided below (Read More).


Radilce leverages Git’s architecture combined with cryptography and a gossip protocol to enable a fully sovereign developer network. Unlike centralized platforms like GitHub, there is no single entity controlling the network or user data. Repositories are replicated across peers in a decentralized manner.

Radicle is reaching its maturity - the 1.0 version is going to be released in a few weeks.

Kraken CI now includes support to communicate with Radicle, enabling it to receive push events generated by a Radicle Node. These events trigger a build flow within Kraken CI.

The full guide about setting up integration of Kraken CI with Radicle can be found in the blog post Integration with Radicle.


Another significat feature that has been added to this Kraken's release is notifications to Discord channels. Now the result of an executed run can be posted to indicated Discord channel. More details can be found in the notification docs.

That's all. To get started, simply install or upgrade to the 1.7 version and experience all the benefits firsthand. If you have any questions or need assistance, submit an issue on GitHub or ask for help on Discord.