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Windows Support in Kraken Agent

· 2 min read
Michal Nowikowski
Kraken Founder. I’m software engineer focused on full-stack programming and improving software processes.

Kraken version 1.5 introduces support for Windows in the Kraken Agent. This means that it is now possible to execute jobs on Windows systems using Kraken CI.

The 1.5 release brings several more changes and fixes. To see the details, please check the the release notes. Some of the changes included are:

  • fixed detecting Kraken Agent environment when it is run inside Docker that is using CGroup v2 - this solves #303
  • fixed triggering a flow by GitHub webhook when another flow is in progress - this solves #296
  • fixed handling multiline secrets
  • improved handling agent inactivity - now it is not needed to reenable agent when it was disabled due to inactivity

More details about the support for Windows are provided below.

Information about the Kraken Agent installation on Windows can be found in Agent Setup Guide.

With enabling Kraken Agent on Windows, support for this system was also added to some Kraken tools:

This means that now it is possible to execute windows shell commands.

The following example shows how to define a shell or, rather, cmd batch script:

"tool": "shell",
"script": """
rem This is a windows batch comment
echo 'hello world'
dir c:\\

or this example showing PowerShell as custom shell executable:

"tool": "shell",
"shell_exe": "powershell.exe",
"script": """
Write-Host 'hello'
Get-Service kkagent

The Artifacts tool is now also working on Windows. Check the following job steps:

// create some content
"tool": "shell",
"cmd": "mkdir abc && echo 'hello world' > abc/a.txt"
}, {
// upload the content to Kraken Storage
"tool": "artifacts",
"source": "abc"
// download the uploaded content
"tool": "artifacts",
"action": "download",
"source": "abc"
}, {
// check the content
"tool": "shell",
"script": """
type abc\\a.txt

That's all. To get started, simply install or upgrade to the 1.5 version and experience all the benefits firsthand. If you have any questions or need assistance, submit an issue on GitHub or ask for help on Discord.