Deployment in Kubernetes
One of the methods of deploying Kraken CI is installing it into Kubernetes cluster. Kraken CI is natively divided into several services packed in Docker images so they can be nicely laid out in the cluster. The other aspect is running Kraken jobs. In this case, they are run in containers natively scheduled onto Kubernetes nodes.
This guide shows how to install and configure Kraken CI in Kubernetes to leverage its potential.
Several things are required to install Kraken CI in Kubernetes using Helm. In short:
- Kubernetes cluster and kubectl tool
- Helm tool
Helm is used to deploy several Kraken services and expose them to an external network. These Kraken services are described in Architecture chapter.
Kubernetes Clusters
There are multiple ways for setting up a Kubernetes cluster. One of the easiest ones that is most often used for experimenting is Minikube. There are also managed clusters like EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) in AWS.
This manual will show how to install Kraken CI in Minikube but the steps are similar for other Kubernetes environments as well.
Install in Minikube
First, download minikube from
And then create a cluster:
$ minikube start
Now you may install Kraken CI, but first, let's add a repo with Kraken Helm charts:
$ helm repo add kraken-ci
$ helm repo update
and now install Kraken CI:
$ helm upgrade --install --create-namespace --namespace kraken \
--debug --wait \
--set access.method='external-ips' --set access.external_ips={`minikube ip`} \
kraken-ci kraken-ci/kraken-ci
This command actually upgrades Kraken CI if it is already installed but if it was not yet installed, then it installs it.
More details about using Helm to install Kraken CI can be found in installation docs.
When everything completes successfully, then at the end of the whole output there should be presented short instruction about getting the URL of Kraken service like that:
Get the application URL by running these commands:
export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get --namespace kk-1 -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].port}" services ui)
export NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes --namespace kk-1 -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.addresses[0].address}")
echo http://$NODE_IP:$NODE_PORT
Now you may check if Kraken is working by visiting the URL given by this code and by checking if Kubernetes is running Kraken's services with this command:
kubectl get all -n kraken
This will show Kraken's pods, services, deployments and replica sets.
At this moment, Kraken CI should be operating. Please visit the website on the URL presented above. You should see a login page:

Enter admin
for Username and admin
for Password.
Global Settings
First, let's set some global settings. In Web UI, click Settings
the top menu bar.
In the General
tab, fill the following fields:

Kraken Server URL
- an URL with a port of the server that is visible inside the Kubernetes clusterMinIO/S3 Address
- the IP address and port of Kraken's internal artifacts storage addressClickhouse Proxy Address
- the IP address and port of Kraken's internal logs storage address
In all these cases minikube IP address can be used. It can be obtained
using minikube ip
Having set the General
settings, let's move to the Cloud

Here, please move to Kubernetes section and set only the Namespace
field to the value that was provided in helm
command above (if it
was not changed, then it should be kraken
API Server URL
field must be empty as Kraken CI is installed inside
Kubernetes and it knows where the API server is.
After saving the settings, check if connectivity is ok using Test Kubernetes Access
Configuration in Agents Groups
After setting global settings, it is possible now to configure aspects
of spawning Kubernetes pods for Kraken jobs. This can be done on
Kraken -> Agents -> Groups page. Let's create a new Agents Group by
clicking Add New Group
button and naming it k8s
. The newly created
group's details will be presented on a separate tab. On this tab,
there is a section Agents Deployment
- select Kubernetes. In this
case, there is only one field to set: Instances Limit

This limit value will not allow having more running pods than it - here 5.
Job Definition
Now, to use the defined k8s
Agents Group, we need to prepare
a project with a branch and a stage. More details about that can be
found in Introductory Guide. So let's concentrate
now on defining a job.
"parent": "root",
"triggers": {
"parent": True
"configs": [],
"jobs": [{
"name": "hello",
"timeout": 500,
"steps": [{
"tool": "shell",
"cmd": "echo 'hello world'"
"environments": [{
"system": "ubuntu:20.04",
"agents_group": "k8s",
"config": "default"
There is not much difference compared to regular Kraken jobs. The job
has a defined environments section where we are pointing to our k8s
Agents Group. In the case of system
field here, we have a
Docker image.
Now when a job is assigned to an agents group with configured Agents Deployment then a new pod will be spawned for that job if agents are not available in the Kraken.
Let's change the view to Branch Results view and trigger a new flow by
clicking Run Flow
button. On the run page, the list of jobs shows our
AWS job:

That's it!