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Manual Installation

The installation is based on Ubuntu 22.04. All instructions and commands should be performed in Ubuntu 22.04 system.

The first part of the manual shows how to install and prepare services required by Kraken CI. The second part guides through the installation of particular components of Kraken CI.

Manual installation requires better knowledge of Kraken CI internals. So, first, get familiar with Kraken CI architecture.

Required 3rd Party Services


Kraken relies on PostgreSQL 11. The installation instruction can be found at

To install the required 11 version, do the following:

$ sudo apt install postgresql-11

After installation, create a kkdb database for Kraken CI Server and a user kkuser with kkpass password:

$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create database kkdb;
postgres=# create user kkuser with encrypted password 'kkpass';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database kkdb to kkuser;


Kraken is using Redis and is tested with the 7.0 version. The installation instruction can be found at


Kraken is using Clickhouse and is tested with the version. The installation instruction can be found at



Kraken is using MinIO RELEASE.2022-10-24T18-35-07Z version. Newer versions may not work, so please use indicated version. The installation instruction can be found at

Debian package can be downloaded from here: RPM from here: Please check for any other format on this page:

The configuration could be set up in /etc/default/minio file. There should be set at least the following fields:

  • MINIO_ROOT_USER - a name for the root user; this needs to be passed to Kraken components later (especially Kraken Server);
  • MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD - a password for the root user; this needs to be passed to Kraken components later (especially Kraken Server);
  • MINIO_VOLUMES - it must point to a folder where MinIO data will be stored;
  • MINIO_OPTS - this should be used at least to change the listening port - see next paragraph.

Unfortunately, Clickhouse and MinIO are listening on the same TCP port 9000. It can be changed in MinIO in /etc/default/minio by adding the following line:

MINIO_OPTS=--address :9999

Nginx as a reverse proxy

As a frontend web server that does reverse proxy, any web server can be used, for example, Nginx.

First, install Nginx:

$ sudo apt install nginx

The configuration will be described in Web UI & Reverse Proxy section below.

Kraken Components Installation

Kraken CI components can be downloaded from Kraken CI GitHub releases page. There should be:

  • clickhouse-proxy-VERSION.tar.gz
  • krakenci_server-VERSION.tar.gz
  • krakenci_ui-VERSION.tar.gz
  • krakenci_agent-VERSION.tar.gz

where VERSION is for example 0.1091.

Python packages can also be installed using pip tool. For that purpose, a Python virtual env may be created:

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ ./venv/bin/pip install -U pip

Server - Clickhouse Proxy

Unpack clickhouse-proxy:

$ tar -zxvf clickhouse-proxy-VERSION.tar.gz

Prepare environment variables, ie. location of Clickhouse server:

$ export KRAKEN_CLICKHOUSE_URL=http://localhost:8123

Start the proxy:

$ ./clickhouse-proxy
started clickhouse proxy
Clickhouse address: "http://localhost:8123"
VersionRow { version: 2 }
logs table created in clickhouse
waiting for logs to store

Server - Backend

There are prerequisites needed to install the Kraken CI server. It depends on python-ldap, which has extensions in C language. So to install and build Kraken CI dependencies there are needed:

  • C compiler -- gcc
  • headers for LDAP library -- libldap-dev and libsasl2-dev
  • headers for Python -- python3-dev

They can be installed this way:

$ sudo apt install gcc python3-dev libldap-dev libsasl2-dev

Now we are ready to install the Kraken CI Server component:

$ ./venv/bin/pip install krakenci_server-VERSION.tar.gz
Processing ./krakenci_server-0.1091.tar.gz
Preparing metadata ( ... done
Collecting Authlib<2.0.0,>=1.1.0
Downloading Authlib-1.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (214 kB)

Server - Database Preparation

Run a script that sets up tables and performs database migration:

$ KRAKEN_DB_URL=postgresql://kkuser:kkpass@localhost:5432/kkdb ./venv/bin/kkdbmigrate
Kraken DB Migration
migrating db: postgresql://kkuser:kkpass@localhost:5432/kkdb
checking TCP service postgresql on localhost:5432... 1.
postgresql is up
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running stamp_revision -> 5c16623f4d55
alembic stamp completed
Preparing initial DB data
created Tool record local_tool
created Tool record git
created Tool record shell
created Tool record pytest
created Tool record rndtest
created Tool record artifacts
created Tool record pylint
created Tool record cloc
created Tool record nglint
created Tool record cache
created Tool record gotest
created Tool record junit_collect
created Tool record values_collect
created AgentsGroup record 'all'
created Project record 'Demo'
created Branch record 'master'
created Stage record 'Tests'
created User record 'admin'
created User record 'demo'
DB version: 5c16623f4d55
Kraken DB Migration completed

Server - Planner

To start Kraken Planner, invoke the following command:

$ KRAKEN_DB_URL=postgresql://kkuser:kkpass@localhost:5432/kkdb ./venv/bin/kkplanner
checking TCP service postgresql on localhost:5432... 1.
postgresql is up
2022-12-05 05:59:36,533 INFO p: 2787 logs:409 setup logging on planner to clickhouse: localhost:9001
2022-12-05 05:59:36,533 INFO p: 2787 planner:161 Kraken Planner started, version 0.1091
2022-12-05 05:59:36,720 INFO p: 2787 base:171 Scheduler started
2022-12-05 05:59:36,723 INFO p: 2787 planner:43 started planner scheduler
2022-12-05 05:59:36,732 INFO p: 2787 planner:172 starting xml-rpc server for planner on port 7997

Other environment variables that could be expected by the Kraken Planner are:

  • KRAKEN_PLANNER_URL - the default is http://localhost:7997
  • KRAKEN_CLICKHOUSE_ADDR - the default is http://localhost:8123

Server - RQ

To start Kraken RQ, invoke the following command:

$ KRAKEN_DB_URL=postgresql://kkuser:kkpass@localhost:5432/kkdb ./venv/bin/kkrq
checking TCP service planner on localhost:7997... 1.
planner is up
checking TCP service redis on localhost:6379... 1.
redis is up
checking TCP service postgresql on localhost:5432... 1.
postgresql is up
2022-12-05 06:02:36,132 INFO p: 2809 logs:409 setup logging on rq to clickhouse: localhost:9001
2022-12-05 06:02:36,133 INFO p: 2809 kkrq:105 Kraken RQ started, version 0.1091
2022-12-05 06:02:36,297 INFO p: 2809 worker:569 Worker rq:worker:76715862411a4038b99ff404aeedb5b4: started, version 1.11.1
2022-12-05 06:02:36,299 INFO p: 2809 worker:539 Subscribing to channel rq:pubsub:76715862411a4038b99ff404aeedb5b4
2022-12-05 06:02:36,303 INFO p: 2809 worker:573 *** Listening on kq...
2022-12-05 06:02:36,304 INFO p: 2809 schedule:107 Trying to acquire locks for kq
2022-12-05 06:02:36,312 INFO p: 2813 schedule:233 Scheduler for kq started with PID 2813
2022-12-05 06:02:36,313 INFO p: 2809 worker:1187 Cleaning registries for queue: kq

Other environment variables that could be expected by the Kraken RQ are:

  • KRAKEN_PLANNER_URL - the default is http://localhost:7997
  • KRAKEN_CLICKHOUSE_ADDR - the default is http://localhost:8123
  • KRAKEN_REDIS_ADDR - the default is localhost:6379

Server - QNeck

To start Kraken QNeck, invoke the following command:

$ ./venv/bin/kkqneck
2022-12-05 06:03:07,656 INFO p: 2824 logs:409 setup logging on rq to clickhouse: localhost:9001
2022-12-05 06:03:07,657 INFO p: 2824 qneck:136 Kraken QNeck started, version 0.1091
checking TCP service redis on localhost:6379... 1.
redis is up

Other environment variables that could be expected by the Kraken QNeck are:

  • KRAKEN_CLICKHOUSE_ADDR - the default is http://localhost:8123
  • KRAKEN_REDIS_ADDR - the default is localhost:6379

Server - Scheduler

To start Kraken Scheduler, invoke the following command:

$ KRAKEN_DB_URL=postgresql://kkuser:kkpass@localhost:5432/kkdb ./venv/bin/kkscheduler
checking TCP service postgresql on localhost:5432... 1.
postgresql is up
checking TCP service planner on localhost:7997... 1.
planner is up
2022-12-05 06:40:13,445 INFO p: 2942 logs:409 setup logging on scheduler to clickhouse: localhost:9001
2022-12-05 06:40:13,446 INFO p: 2942 schedule:139 Kraken Scheduler started, version 0.1091
2022-12-05 06:40:13,621 INFO p: 2942 schedule:117 no idle agents
2022-12-05 06:40:13,621 INFO p: 2942 schedule:173 scheduled 0 jobs in 0.0s, go sleep for 5.0s
2022-12-05 06:40:18,620 INFO p: 2942 schedule:117 no idle agents

Other environment variables that could be expected by the Kraken Scheduler are:

  • KRAKEN_CLICKHOUSE_ADDR - the default is http://localhost:8123
  • KRAKEN_PLANNER_URL - the default is http://localhost:7997

Server - Watchdog

To start Kraken Watchdog, invoke the following command:

$ KRAKEN_DB_URL=postgresql://kkuser:kkpass@localhost:5432/kkdb ./venv/bin/kkwatchdog
checking TCP service postgresql on localhost:5432... 1.
postgresql is up
checking TCP service planner on localhost:7997... 1.
planner is up
2022-12-05 06:40:53,819 INFO p: 3003 logs:409 setup logging on watchdog to clickhouse: localhost:9001
2022-12-05 06:40:53,820 INFO p: 3003 watchdog:53 Kraken Watchdog started, version 0.1091

Other environment variables that could be expected by the Kraken Watchdog are:

  • KRAKEN_CLICKHOUSE_ADDR - the default is http://localhost:8123
  • KRAKEN_PLANNER_URL - the default is http://localhost:7997
  • KRAKEN_REDIS_ADDR - the default is localhost:6379

Server - Server

Set required environment variables:

export KRAKEN_DB_URL=postgresql://kkuser:kkpass@localhost:5432/kkdb
export MINIO_ROOT_USER=root
export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=password
export KKAGENT_DIR=/usr/share/nginx/html/agent

And then start the server directly:

./venv/bin/python3 -m kraken.server.server

or using gunicorn:

./venv/bin/gunicorn -b -w 2 "kraken.server.server:create_app()"

Other environment variables that could be expected by the Kraken Server are:

  • KRAKEN_CLICKHOUSE_ADDR - the default is http://localhost:8123
  • KRAKEN_PLANNER_URL - the default is http://localhost:7997
  • KRAKEN_REDIS_ADDR - the default is localhost:6379
  • KRAKEN_SERVER_ADDR - the default is localhost:8080
  • KRAKEN_MINIO_ADDR - the default is localhost:9999

Web UI & Reverse Proxy

Save the following nginx.conf file in /etc/nginx/sites-available/kraken:

upstream ui_rest {
server localhost:8080;

server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
index index.html index.htm;

location ~ ^/(bk|api|webhooks|artifacts|job_log|install|backend|branch-badge) {
proxy_pass http://ui_rest;
proxy_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504;
proxy_buffering off;
proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";

location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

# redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;

The critical part is:

    server localhost:8080;

It indicates the serving address and port of the backend Kraken CI server. It should point to KRAKEN_SERVER_ADDR, which is localhost:8080 by default.

Unpack static Kraken Web UI content:

tar -zxvf krakenci_ui-VERSION.tar.gz

Copy this static content to /usr/share/nginx/html:

$ sudo cp -a krakenci_ui-VERSION/* /usr/share/nginx/html

Now remove the default site in Nginx and add the kraken site:

$ sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
$ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/kraken /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/kraken

Now restart and check the Nginx service:

$ sudo systemctl restart nginx
$ sudo systemctl status nginx

Now you may check if Kraken web UI is working by visiting http://localhost/ in your web browser or using curl:

$ curl http://localhost/

In a web browser, log in with admin:admin credentials. Next, go to Configuration->Settings page and on General tab set Kraken Server URL, MinIO Address and Clickhouse Proxy Address. And then click the save button at the bottom.

Now you can install Kraken Agent.


Unpack krakenci_agent-VERSION.tar.gz and copy krakenci_agent-VERSION/kkagent and krakenci_agent-0.1091/kktool to KKAGENT_DIR i.e. /usr/share/nginx/html/agent:

$ tar -zxvf krakenci_agent-VERSION.tar.gz
$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/nginx/html/agent
$ sudo cp -a krakenci_agent-VERSION/* /usr/share/nginx/html/agent/

In Kraken Web UI, go to Agents menu and click Download. This will download a script for installing Kraken Agent.

Transfer it to a machine where you want to have Kraken Agent running and then run:

$ chmod a+x
$ ./
+ sudo -n true
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+ python3 --version
Python 3.10.6
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+ which curl
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+ DL_TOOL=curl
+ set -e
+ '[' curl == wget ']'
+ curl -o /tmp/kkagent
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 1366k 100 1366k 0 0 70.1M 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 74.1M
+ chmod a+x /tmp/kkagent
+ /tmp/kkagent install -s
2022-12-06 05:11:29,897 INFO p: 4552 logs:409 setup logging on agent to clickhouse:
2022-12-06 05:11:29,898 INFO p: 4552 main:49 Starting Kraken Agent, version 0.1091
2022-12-06 05:11:29,899 INFO p: 4552 main:50 using Python version 3.10.6
2022-12-06 05:11:30,063 INFO p: 4552 install:107 no docker group
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /lib/systemd/system/kraken-agent.service.
● kraken-agent.service - Kraken Agent
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/kraken-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Drop-In: /run/systemd/system/service.d
Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-12-06 05:11:30 UTC; 37ms ago
Main PID: 4737 (python3)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 14079)
Memory: 2.7M
CPU: 27ms
CGroup: /system.slice/kraken-agent.service
└─4737 python3 /opt/kraken/kkagent run

Dec 06 05:11:30 u22 systemd[1]: Started Kraken Agent.
+ rm -f /tmp/kkagent
+ echo 'Kraken Agent installed'
Kraken Agent installed

You can check logs of the installed agent by invoking:

sudo journalctl -u kraken-agent

In the logs, there should be seen a response with information that the agent is unauthorized:

Dec 06 05:12:41 u22 kkagent[4737]: 2022-12-06 05:12:41,974 INFO p: 4737 agent:137 RESP {'unauthorized': True}
Dec 06 05:12:41 u22 kkagent[4737]: 2022-12-06 05:12:41,975 WARN p: 4737 agent:140 agent is not authorized, sleeping for 10s

Now go to Kraken web UI and go to Agents->Discovered menu. The started agent should be present there. Select the checkbox on the left and click Authorize button at the top.

Now switch the web page to the list of authorized agents: Agents->Agents. Now the agent should be visible here and should be enabled.

Recheck the agent logs:

sudo journalctl -u kraken-agent

Now it should be visible that the received job by the agent is empty:

Dec 06 05:14:52 u22 kkagent[4737]: 2022-12-06 05:14:52,348 INFO p: 4737 agent:137 RESP {}
Dec 06 05:14:52 u22 kkagent[4737]: 2022-12-06 05:14:52,361 INFO p: 4737 logs:409 setup logging on agent to clickhouse:
Dec 06 05:14:52 u22 kkagent[4737]: 2022-12-06 05:14:52,362 INFO p: 4737 agent:163 received job: {}

The First Job

But first, install Git and Pytest on the machine where the Kraken Agent is running. The demo job requires that.

$ sudo apt install git python3-pytest

Now, go to Krakek Web UI, go to the main page (click on the logo in the left top corner), click master branch in Project Demo and now click Run Flow button and then Submit. You should be on the Flow 1. page. In the big box, click Tests title (this is the name of the job). This will land you on the Run page, where one job should be visible in the pane on the left, while there should be logs in the right pane.